No, hanging mobile is not just for baby rooms.

Excerpt from a conversation too often heard:

– What do you do for a living?

– I have created a company of mobiles wh…..

– Oh??!!!! Mobile phones?

– No decorative mobiles, Calder style… you know?

– Oh, yes, baby mobiles!

– Certainly….. (weariness) but not only……

A great work of evangelization awaits us: )

Our mobiles are design accessories designed for ALL the rooms of your interior. The proof in pictures.

1. We start with the living room, of course : the largest room in your home is the master room where Virvoltan has its place. Place of reception, stroll, reflection…. We would advise you too much to have the hanging mobile reflex for your living room. Some scenarios:

Mobile Virvoltan Parade XXL dans un salon avec belle HSP    blank    Mobile décoratif VIRVOLTAN Casse-Noisette dans un salon

2. Another place to receive a suspended mobile is the bathroom. Yes, while you are dreaming in your bath, your mobile accompanies your spiritual escape with its slow and incessant movements.

Ambiance design avec ce mobile Calder signé Vivoltan au-dessus de la baignoire    blank

3. If there is one room where inspiration and calm are required, it is the office. And what better way to calm the mind and fix its attention to find the right idea after which you are running: )


4. The kitchen is a place of creativity for those who enjoy cooking. Open your fridge, make an inventory of your ingredients, take inspiration from your hanging mobile and embark on an original recipe.

blank    Mobile décoratif au dessus du plan de travail d'une cuisine moderne

5. What could be more welcoming than an entrance? Yes, rather than the usual consoles (and its inseparable pocket holder), mirrors and family photos, pimp up your entrance with a hanging mobile that will come alive when your hosts arrive to welcome them: )


Mobile Virvoltan à l'entrée d'une maison    Mobile Calder Bolero | Virvoltan

6. We end with the most elementary: the bedroom (the first one who talks to me about a baby’s room I invite him to read this article 100 times!!!!!) Whether it is the parental room or the teenager’s room in the family, a hanging mobile has its place. If mobiles are provided to develop the awakening of babies, why not prolong the awakening and wonder throughout life? We’ll let you think about that…. : )


Chambre parentale sous les auspices de Carmen, mobile décoratif Virvoltan    Le mobile décoratif Nero guide vos rêveries